Camper Spotlight: Lola

“Camp is one of the best things that has ever happened to me.” Lola expressed in her speech at Camp Kudzu’s 11th Annual Benefit Luncheon. Lola has been attending overnight camp since the 3rd grade and has been a great advocate for Camp Kudzu.
She has called Camp Kudzu “home” since her diagnosis in 2016. Here are a few words that Lola wanted to share about her experience:
When I first went to Camp Kudzu, I was only one month diagnosed. Even being there for only one week, camp made me feel more independent when dealing with my diabetes. I have achieved so many goals while being at camp. I have done a pump site in my leg, a Lantus shot in my arm and changed my Dexcom on my own. I have also become a lot braver with the activities that campers participate in. Camp Kudzu has helped me embrace my camping-self while helping me create a new family.
+What’s your favorite Camp location:
Twin Lakes
+What’s your favorite part about camp?
My favorite part about camp would have to be seeing my best friends.
+If you could describe Camp Kudzu in one word, what would that word be?
+Did you know anyone who had type 1 diabetes before camp?
I only personally knew a few people with type 1 before camp. They all went to my school. It is great to be open to such an amazing community like Camp Kudzu with kids who are just like me.
+What’s one of your favorite memories of camp?
One of my favorite memories from camp is playing basketball with my best friend, Jack. We always mess around with each other. Jack is literally like the little brother I never had.
+What’s the most helpful or interesting thing that you learned at camp?
Because of camp, I figured out what kind of pump I really wanted. Being able to hear how each person liked or disliked their pump helped a lot when it came to the time for me to choose my pump.
+If you could only do one activity at camp, what would it be?
I absolutely love the giant swing. The thrill of being dropped and swinging over the lake is like no other.
+What would you tell a potential camper about Camp Kudzu?
I would tell a potential camper that once they got to Camp Kudzu, they would never want to leave. It is my home away from home and I count the days before I get to go back.
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