Fall Family Day Fun!

We had a blast October 12th as we invited families out to join us for some FREE fun and fellowship at Poppell Farms in Odum, GA.
Though the day was a little warmer than we expected, we had a great time meeting new families in South GA. A total of 7 families came out, totaling 14 adults and 10 kids.
The day started out with a handshake frenzy to get to know each other, along with some basic information about what was coming up for Camp Kudzu South GA. Before we all went our separate ways on the farm, some great networking, chatting, and discussions took place. Parents connected, kids discussed technologies, some potential CIT’s for summer camp 2020 were identified, and smiles and laughs were there all the way.
The rest of the afternoon included a hayride to the pumpkin patch (where everyone got to take home a pumpkin), corn mazes, farm animals, mini horse rides, cow tractor rides, and so much more. It was a great way to spend the day with new friends building community across our state.
Camp Kudzu South GA is excited for all the upcoming events in the Savannah and Coastal GA area for the fall. Make sure to follow us on our Camp Kudzu South GA Facebook page to stay connected on all the great networking we are doing locally for Diabetes Awareness Month in November. Currently, we have teamed up with Savannah Chatham County Public Schools, Bryan County Public Schools, Everyday Diabetes Center, Memorial Pediatric Endo Clinic, Memorial Children’s Wellness Coordinators and the Dwayne & Cynthia Willet Children’s Hospital for education flyers and gifts for our T1D kiddos. We will also be participating in the City of Savannah Diabetes Walk and Education Day on Saturday, November 16!
If you haven’t bought your tickets to join us at the NAIA Senior Football Classic at Memorial Stadium in Savannah on December 14, 2019, click the button below to get your tickets or learn more!
See you soon!
Cyndi Satlow
Community Outreach Coordinator Savannah
(912) 244-4101
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