What You Need To Know About Flu Season

Getting the flu sucks! The fever, chills, achy body…there’s really nothing fun about it. Symptoms can be mild or can hit you full force, and the illness comes on fast (unlike a cold). Usually symptoms will last a few days to under two weeks, however some people may develop complications. Though complications, such as developing pneumonia, can happen to relatively healthy people, some people may be at higher risk. Individuals 65 and over, pregnant women, children under five (higher risk for those under 2), and those with chronic medical conditions such as asthma and diabetes can all face increased risk of flu complications.
The flu can cause those with T1D to have additional complications related to their diabetes, as well. Diabetes can affect your immune system, lowering your ability to fight off the flu virus. As with any illness, blood sugars can be challenging to control when having the flu. The stress to your body from the flu could make blood sugar rise. Also, feeling ill can decrease your appetite and intake causing blood sugars to plummet. It may be important to have a sick plan in place just in case the flu hits. The CDC has one if you don’t know where to start.
Flu symptoms:
- fever or feeling feverish/chills (not everyone with flu will have a fever)
- cough
- sore throat
- runny or stuffy nose
- muscle or body aches
- headaches
- fatigue (tiredness)
- some people may have vomiting and diarrhea, though this is more common in children than adults.
It’s always a good idea that if you are ill to check blood sugars more often, keep low supplies at hand, and stay hydrated!
Contributed by Carrie Claiborne
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