No Place Like Kudzu –Looking Ahead to a Bright 2021

The Kudzu Team is amazed by just how much our “little” community has grown since 1999. As we rolled out the theme of “Home” at the start of 2020, we would have never imagined that that’s exactly where we would be for many of our planned programs this year—at home, connecting with our community in a virtual fashion through KudZoom programs. That said, this “home” that we have built for over 20 years has served more than 10,000 campers and their families through year-round programs and events—and will continue to serve even more each year forward.
While 2020 has certainly presented its challenges, we are more sure of this than ever before—the Kudzu community is more than what meets the eye. The Kudzu community is a family. In the wake of the pandemic, Kudzu has continued to spread and grow because of your investment and support in our organization. Each of you have stood behind us in support of decisions made, asked how you can help, and provided ideas for creative programs. Through giving your time, financial gifts, creative input, you all had an impact on over 800 campers in 2020 alone. We are so very grateful for each and every one of you and simply couldn’t carry out the mission of Kudzu without you.
That being said, we need your help more than ever before. Over 1,000 children and teens have been diagnosed with T1D in the past two years that haven’t had the opportunity to attend a Kudzu program in-person. The Kudzu community is a vital resource to feeling connected and “one-of-many”—realizing that our campers aren’t dealing with the constant CGM alarms, low blood sugars that seem to have no reason, frustrating diabetes days, and isolating feelings of “different” alone. While we are dedicated to serving these children and teens, we need YOUR help to do so. We are leaning on you to find your fit in the Kudzu family and help make an impact in the lives of our campers today!
Make a donation now! We need your help now more than ever, so think BIG and with your continued support, we can continue to create positive change in the lives of children and teens living with T1D TODAY!
The Kudzu Team wishes you the happiest of holidays and we look forward to seeing you in a brighter, better 2021.
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