Summer Volunteers

There are so many ways you can help with summer camp; read the descriptions below:
Please note that staff are asked to remain at camp for the entire week.
Cabin counselors reside in cabins with campers, accompany them to activities, and are the first people they see in the morning! They help the campers get to know each other, check blood sugar levels, carry backpacks with diabetes and camp supplies, make sure everyone showers and brushes teeth while making sure every camper in their care stays healthy and safe.
Each camp has 3-4 logistics staff, led by a Lead Logistics Staff Member. This team supports camp operations by keeping everything running smoothly from opening the gate, filling water coolers, delivering mail, and more.
Camp Wide Staff
Each camp will have 2-3 camp wide staff, led by a Camp Wide Lead Staff. This team will run the camp evening programs and day programs though out the week of camp. The team will also support the activities staff with helping, if needed, during activity periods, and more.
Social Media Specialist
Each camp will have a designated social media specialist to capture pictures of activities, camp magical moments, cabin groups, amazing evening programs, and experiences. This position will then post on the Camp Kudzu social media.

Every summer, talented volunteers share their skills to enhance program offerings for the campers. Activity staff help with:
Interested in volunteering as a Counselor, Activity Staff, Logistics or single day activities at camp contact Patricia Clark at or (404) 495-4861.
Our valuable, caring medical staff bring their skills and a healthy attitude to the Camp Kudzu community. An entire spectrum of healthcare professionals supports our camp programs. We rely on their expertise to manage an entire camp of children living with type 1 diabetes, but they can easily blend in with the day-to-day activities of camp such as tie-dying t-shirts, singing in the dining hall or zip lining. While any type of specialty is welcome, we especially seek the following positions:

If you have questions about qualifications for certain roles or which role you would be best suited for, please email Patricia Clark (Medical Manager) at
Camp Physician
Camp Physicians evaluate and treat non-diabetic medical concerns for campers and staff, alongside the Med Lodge Staff. Qualifications: Licensed MD in pediatrics, primary care, etc.
Camp Wellness Specialist
Camp Wellness Specialist collaborates with medical staff, counselors, and lead staff to ensure the mental wellbeing of our campers through crisis intervention, behavioral health management, and mental health first aid. Qualifications: licensed mental health professional (LCSW, LMSW, CLS, Clinician or School Psychologist, Peer Specialist, etc.) OR a student in a mental health-related program (i.e. social work, counseling, child life/human development and family science etc.)
Clinicians Collaborate with endocrinologists and follow pre-approved protocols for the diabetic management of nine campers in a cabin over the course of a session. Qualifications: Licensed medical professional (i.e. RN, LPN, NP, RD, Pharm, D, PA, etc.) AND attended a Camp Kudzu overnight program in the last two years.
Clinicians in Training (MCIT)
MCITs (Medical Clinicians in Training) volunteer under the supervision of a licensed clinician and contribute to the diabetes management of nine campers in a cabin over the course of a session. Qualifications: Student in a medical-specific program (i.e. nursing school, medical school, PA school, etc.) OR a licensed medical professional who has never attended an overnight camp session before in a medical role (no prior knowledge of or experience in T1D is required).
Dietary Staff
Dietary Staff assist in snack preparation, food service management, verification of allergies/intolerances/preferences, and dietary education. Qualifications: Interest in nutrition AND/OR dietary students AND/OR licensed dietitian.
Endocrinologists assist clinicians in reviewing daily logs, advising on insulin/ratio/sensitivity factor adjustments, and be on call for diabetes-related emergencies overnight when on call. Qualifications: Licensed endocrinologist OR endocrinology fellow.
Med Lodge Staff
Med Lodge (ML) Staff triage campers for acute illness and injury and administer non-diabetes related medication over the course of the session. Qualifications: Licensed medical professional (i.e. RN, LPN, NP, RD, Pharm D, PA, etc.) or NP or PA students.
Night Nurse Staff
Night Nurse Staff are responsible for the continued diabetes related evaluation and treatment of campers overnight and not responsible for on cabin or any campers throughout the day. Qualifications: Licensed medical professional (i.e. RN, LPN, MP, RD, Pharm. D, PA, etc.) AND attended a Camp Kudzu overnight program in the last two years.
Interested in volunteering as Medical Staff, contact Patricia Clark at pr (404) 495-4854.